The NHS App can help you safely and easily order your repeat prescriptions, at a place and time that is convenient to you. Watch this video to learn more, including instructions on how to use the App to order your repeat prescriptions.
Get your prescription medication easily
The quickest and easiest way to get your repeat prescription is through the NHS app. If you go to the medication icon, at bottom of screen, it will show your items on repeat prescription. Your request then goes straight to the GP’s inbox. This is more direct than doing an online consultation to request.
If you have a long term condition which is stable, and you don’t want to be requesting every 1 or 2 months, ask about batch prescriptions (aka “RDS”). Our inhouse pharmacists can set this up for you. This means we pre-authorise several prescriptions. Every 1-2 months you simply collect next medication from your pharmacist. The batch can last 6-12 months.
If you need help getting started with the NHS app, ask reception, or the pharmacists at the practice.
If you can’t see a medication you need on the NHS app, it may be because it wasn’t prescribed for long term use (as acute rather than repeat). Medications which haven’t been requested in a long time also are automatically moved to “past”. We may be able to rectify. Also “batch” /RDS medications shouldn’t be rerequested through the practice until the batch has been completed at your pharmacy.
You can change your preferred chemist on the NHS app, eg to one close to work, or at a temporary address. Almost all our prescriptions are sent electronically.
Please allow at least 3 working days for your request to be authorised, as GPs have other competing work and sometimes an extra check may be needed (such as monitoring blood test)
According to national guidance , we cannot prescribe some items which are readily available over the counter, such as hayfever remedies. Talk to our pharmacist or local pharmacist , or consider low-cost generic items. We appreciate times are hard, and it is worth shopping around.