Who to see:
Tower Hamlets Stop Smoking Service
on 0800 169 1943
Who to see:
Health Visitors 020 8980 1760
Who to see:
Ambrose King Centre
020 7377 7307
Anxiety, Worries, Depression, Sexual problems and Bareavement
Who to see:
Psychologist by referral
Home help, Meals on Wheels, Welfare & Employment Advice, Mobility Allowance, Travel Passes, Disabled Driver Sticker.
Social Services: 020 7364 5000
Citizens Advice: 0870 126 4014
Who to see:
Who to see:
Practice Nurse
We encourage to book with HCA at the clinic for bloods. For the working patients you can use the Saturday morning clinic at St Stephens Health centre starting from 8.30am on a first come first serve basis. Address is Bow Community hall, Williams Place, Bow, E3 5ED.
For alternate times, blood test appointments you can be booked in the community hub clinics. Please contact reception.
DO NOT GO TO LOCAL HOSPITALS FOR BLOOD TESTS unless under 16 yrs of age.
Our last blood test at the clinic will be at midday due to our blood collection service coming at latest 2pm, please book with the HCA.
OTHER OPTIONS are for working patients: Saturday morning first come first serve basis at St Stephen’s Health centre, William Place or to ask at reception to be booked at a community hub clinic for blood test.
Every three years if aged between 25 & 49. Every five years if aged between 50 & 64.
Who to see:
Family Planning Clinic
Once a month Ms Khiloni Shah works with the GP’s to support us with medicine management related work. She may contact patients to inform them of changes to their prescription medicines.
Family planning and morning after pill
Who to see:
Nurse or family planning clinic
Pharmacist or Doctor
Any enquiries with this team please contact the Single point of Access on 03000335000 and leave a message.
Removal of Stitches and Staples
Who to see:
Advice before you get pregnant
Who to see:
Nurse, Health Health Care Assistant
Joint HV and GP baby clinic and drop in tends to take place first Wednesday of the month between 11- 12.30. Our named health visitor is Rachel Nguyi.
You can also drop in at the Olga centre or Overland childrens centre.
Who to see:
Health Care Assistant
Please call early as possible if you require a home visit. Sometimes the GP will call before visiting and the visits will occur after 12.30.
Who to see:
Antenatal Clinic
If you are experiencing mental health crisis you can call the Tower Hamlets 24 hr crisis line number 0207 771 5807.
MIND is a mental health charity that you may find with useful resources and also a helpline.
Minor Eye conditions (MECS) can now be dealt with specialised opticians. You are able to self refer. Opticians that offer this service. If unsure you can send us an e consult.
Abortion advice available
Who to see:
Sylvia Pankhurst Centre 020 7377 7898
Our current practice psychologist is Anna Wachowska, you can see her and her team members by self referring to Talking Therapies. She is usually in Tuesday afternoons. Talking therapies can offer counselling either one to one or group - Self refer by calling 020 8475 8080.
Please let us know 48hrs before you need a repeat prescription.
Please bring your repeat prescription request
Ring us on 020 8980 1652 speak to a
receptionist between 12 noon - 14:00pm
Ms Rumana Matin, can be accessed via referral from GP/nurse/ HCA. She is a link worker who can sign post with matters related to exercising/ benefits/ PIP/ Befriending/ social clubs/debt/ parenting. Please enquire with clinic staff.
Who to see:
Practice Manager
Senior Receptionist
Who to see:
Please call from 8.30 am for an urgent face to face or telephone consultation appointment with GP or nurse. You may be asked to also use e-consult or be offered a Hub appointment as an alternative.
If you suffer from mental health and finding it difficult to get back into employment, Working Well Trust can support you through. Please self refer.