Online form should be submitted when you are in the country so that GP can assess you face to face if needed
Advice in your region
England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Ireland
Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), a new illness that affects your lungs and airways.
Check if you have coronavirus symptoms
Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and where to get medical advice if you think you have them.
What to do if you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus
Advice about not leaving your home (self-isolation) and looking after yourself if you or someone you live with has symptoms.
People at higher risk from coronavirus
Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.
Coronavirus in children
Advice about symptoms of coronavirus in children, including when to get medical help if your child seems unwell.
Social distancing advice and changes to everyday life because of coronavirus
Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services.
Links to more information about coronavirus
Links to government advice, information for health professionals and advice for other parts of the UK.
Service Reduction in NHS due to COVID 19
Mental health- Secondary care psychologists are not seeing patients. Primary care psychologists are avoiding face to face contacts and may offer video or telephone consultations
Physiotherapy- not seeing patients, new referrals will be added on waiting list.
Hospital referrals will be no surgery offered during the outbreak, GPs can get advise and guidance.
Phlebotomy- Saturday clinic cancelled till further notice
Alcohol services are not accepting new referrals but please go to the website for useful resources.
Domestic violence team not seeing patients but here is a leaflet with useful numbers.
Get a self isolation note
For a self isolation note
Coronavirus Leaflet
Support during corona crisis
Welcome to Ruston Street Clinic
We aim to offer appointments when you want them in comfortable surroundings with polite and friendly staff. We want all patients to get an appointment and a service to suit their lifestyle.
Practice training dates and closures
We will be closed for Protected Learning Time (PLT) on 11th February 2025 . The surgery will close at 1:00 pm, and our online consultation service (Accurx) will be unavailable from 12:00 noon.

Important Practice News & Notices

Make this year the year you quit smoking for good
When you quit smoking, good things start to happen. You’ll begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health.

getUBetter MSK App
Need help with your muscle or joint problems?
NHS North East London – TNW MSK app is now available to all patients. It’s a FREE, easy-to-use tool helping you to self-manage your muscle, bone, and joint (MSK) injuries and conditions.
Using the NHS App for Repeat Prescriptions
The NHS App can help you safely and easily order your repeat prescriptions, at a place and time that is convenient to you. Watch this video to learn more, including instructions on how to use the App to order your repeat prescriptions.
Get your prescription medication easily
The quickest and easiest way to get your repeat prescription is through the NHS app. If you go to the medication icon, at bottom of screen, it will show your items on repeat prescription. Your request then goes straight to the GP’s inbox. This is more direct than doing an online consultation to request. If … Read More
Change to pharmacy requests
From Monday 6th February 2023 For many years, pharmacies have been able to request prescriptions from practices. We want to improve safety and reduce wastage in this process. Local practices in Bow (Bow Health Network) and local pharmacies have agreed a new standard approach What can my pharmacy request for me? Repeat medication Repeat dispensing … Read More
Social Prescribers
They are here to assist on various matters financial, health, housing so ask in reception to be referred to them.
Notice for patients
We have been finding GP recruitment very difficult for the past 2 years and to support the 2 remaining GPs left at Ruston St Clinic we are having clinicians who may be an: Advanced Nurse Practitioner or a Physicians Associate or a Pharmacist. We expect patients to appreciate that they are skilled clinicians who will … Read More

This practice allows community health service clinical staff directly involved in your care to access parts of your medical record. Your consent will be asked before this can take place. If you do not wish this to happen, please let the practice know.